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Professional editing, writing,
and publishing advising



I work one-on-one with authors to help write and publish their books, whether they are seeking a traditional publisher or self-publishing.

I specialize in literary, upmarket commercial, and crime/ thriller fiction, and in nonfiction: memoir, leadership, popular culture, and entertainment.

My work is customized for clients at every stage of successful publishing:

Pursuing a traditional publishing deal? I can help you prepare the best version of your manuscript when pitching to agents and publishers. I research the best agents and publishers with you, and help prepare queries and proposals tailored to you and your book.



For self-published authors, I offer full-service packages, or I can help with one or more of the main steps of professional publishing: developmental and line editing, book design, printing, ebooks, audiobooks, and distribution. I love to help with author platform: author websites, social media, reviews, media outreach, publicity, and events.


Learn the industry knowledge and skills when and where you need them so your self-published book will meet or exceed the quality of the big publishers.

Editorial Services
Design & Production
Marketing & Publicity
  • Manuscript Evaluation

Assess the potential for publication based on the quality  of writing and market positioning. I work with authors of fiction and nonfiction.

  • Developmental Editing

For fiction, focus is on all major elements (plot, character, dialogue, etc.) and any special techniques in the genre. For nonfiction, including memoir, I evaluate structure and logic of the main themes and argument, as well as the narrative, necessary research, and more.

  • Ghostwriting

Long-term, one-on-one work with an experienced writer and editor to plan book concept and focus, with the right measure of market strategy;  writing and editing of several drafts with a final manuscript prepared for publication.


  • Cover Design

  • Interior Layout

  • Printing

  • Ebook Production

  • Audiobooks

  • Metadata

  • Distribution

  • Website Design & Development

  • Agent Research

  • Query Letters

  • Book Proposals

  • Author Websites

  • Social Media

  • Reviews

  • Publicity

  • Events


Our authors have sold thousands of books through traditional and self-publishing routes.


They are musicians, athletes, business leaders, physicists, fishermen, teachers, trainmen, thriller novelists, and more. Their books are about racism, religion, the environment, education, fitness, personal growth, eloping, music, and murder.

Select any cover for more details on the book and my involvement.

The Handler series

The Handler series

by M.P. Woodward Developmental editing, agent research and query, and publishing advising for this espionage thriller series published by Penguin Random House.

The Pilot's Daughter

The Pilot's Daughter

by Audrey J. Cole, USA TODAY bestselling thriller author Developmental edit and marketing on this #1 Amazon bestseller. Agent research and query for audio and foreign rights.

An Authentic Human's Guide to Finding Meaningful Work

An Authentic Human's Guide to Finding Meaningful Work

by Deborah Mourey Publishing and distribution management. Marketing advising for the book industry.

The Greatest Band That Ever Wasn't-Barrett Martin-cover

The Greatest Band That Ever Wasn't-Barrett Martin-cover

by Barrett Martin Text design and book production management. Publicity, media, and marketing planning for the author, a Seattle musician and professor, whose bands include Screaming Trees, Mad Season, Tuatara, and Walking Papers.

Sword of a Thousand Suns

Sword of a Thousand Suns

by Dr. Norman P. Johnson, award-winning screenwriter Full-service self-publishing for this "technothriller" set in the world of international experimental physics, including developmental and line edit for two years, book design, author platform, media, and distribution.

Born Fanatic

Born Fanatic

by Michael McCormack Full-service self-publishing, including developmental and line editing over two years, book design, author platform including website and social media planning, market testing, publicity, media, sales and marketing, distribution, and events.

The Way of the Life Athlete

The Way of the Life Athlete

by Peter Shmock Author platform for this two-time Olympic athlete and creator of the Life Athlete brand, including website, logo, and social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube). Production and distribution management. Media outreach.

Racism: Reality Built on a Myth

Racism: Reality Built on a Myth

by John Lovchik Developmental and copy editing, followed by assisting the author to find his publisher, Wipf and Stock.

Song Of Increase

Song Of Increase

by Jacqueline Freeman Publishing advisor on first, self-published edition. After, agent research and query that resulted in a small bidding war, with the second edition published by Sounds True Press.

Elope Your Life: A Guide to Living Authentically and Unapologetically, Starting With "I DO”

Elope Your Life: A Guide to Living Authentically and Unapologetically, Starting With "I DO”

by Sam Starns Project management of author's brand-building book, including book design, print and ebook distribution, and publicity coordination.

Thinking Differently: How to Thrive Using Your Nonlinear Creative Thinking

Thinking Differently: How to Thrive Using Your Nonlinear Creative Thinking

by Jan Thomas Publishing project management, design concept, author platform and marketing advising for author's career capstone book.

Green Girl

Green Girl

by Kate Zambreno Literary novel first published by Emergency Press in 2012, and later sold to Harper Perennial. Worked as editor and managed design, author platform, media, publicity, sales, and events. Negotiated sale of book to Harper.



by Erika Rae Memoir about growing up Evangelical, published by Emergency Press in 2012. Worked as editor and managed design, author platform, media, publicity, sales, and events.

Stupid Children

Stupid Children

by Lenore Zion Literary/Upmarket Commercial Fiction novel published by Emergency Press in 2013. Worked as editor and managed design, author platform, media, publicity, sales, and events.



I have dedicated twenty-five years of my career to making and selling books. For much of that time, I also worked as a professor of writing and literature.


I work hard for authors using my experience as an editor and publisher, which includes all aspects of book production, promotion, and sales. My clients also appreciate that I can teach them about the publishing industry, when and where they want.


- Bryan Tomasovich




Rebecca Pillsbury, Duende Press
Rebecca Pillsbury-Guest Writer.jpg

Rebecca Pillsbury is an award-winning writer and ghostwriter specializing in nonfiction personal development books and memoir. She has been recognized for her ethical approach to writing celebrity memoir, using vulnerability to exhibit strength and humor to remind readers not to take life (and fame) so seriously.


Rebecca is passionate about helping entrepreneurs and inspirational entertainers reach new heights in their careers, so their audience grows, and more lives are transformed.


When not reading, writing, and editing, she enjoys lindy hop and blues dancing, hiking and kayaking in the incredible Pacific Northwest, and listening to live music.

More about Rebecca at Duende Press.


Lindsay Gatz, von Rocko Design

Lindsay Gatz has been creating book designs with The Publishing World since 2014. She believes that design is the intersection where art informs, and transforms experience—be that experience 2D or 3D, visual or tangible. Having studied graphic design in Germany, home to the birth of typography, she is deeply connected to the fundamental thought processes that go into modern graphic design.


While maintaining her own design aesthetic, Lindsay is able to approach each project and client differently, offering a unique design solution that always delivers. Her scope of skills cover traditional print design, brand strategy & identity, digital design, and website development.

See more of Lindsay's print and website design!




For hundreds of years, writers and their publishers have formed life-long relationships around the books they have made together.

I understand the value of that with my own company.  I create long-lasting connections with my clients, and equip them with the real knowledge they need to achieve success within the publishing industry.

“As a first-time fiction author, Bryan has been an invaluable mentor, coach, and collaborator to me. His advice gave me the confidence to finish the work and market it effectively. He provides a compelling balance of insights for both the publishing industry and the editing process. I highly recommend him to anyone serious about a writing career.”


—M.P. Woodward, New York Times best-selling author of The Handler espionage thriller series, Penguin Random (Berkley).

"A brilliant thriller…this is one you don’t want to miss!" —Mark Greaney

The Handler (pb) 9780593441657.png

“Bryan's editing expertise has been invaluable to the success of my Emerald City Thriller series. Thanks in a large part to his developmental editing, my books have received fantastic reviews.  Bryan's help with my book descriptions have helped drive sales, and my books have reached bestseller status on both Amazon and USA Today. I can't recommend his editing services enough!”


—Audrey J. Cole, author of The Pilot's Daughter and the Emerald City Thriller series

Audrey J Cole-The Pilot's Daughter.jpg

“Bryan knows the ins and outs of publishing and without him, I certainly would have been at the mercy of the publishing machine and made many errors just because I didn't have that inside info. He took my visuals-intensive book and not only made a gorgeous print format, but successfully transferred it into ebook format as well (no small feat)! He was instrumental in coordinating all the moving parts of publishing a book (editing, cover design, publicity, ebook format, etc.). If you're publishing your own book, you'd serve yourself well if you hired Bryan as your publishing manager.”

—Sam Starns, adventure elopement photographer and author of Elope Your Life: A Guide to Living Authentically and Unapologetically, Starting with “I Do”

Elope Your Life-cover-web.jpg

“I have been working with Bryan for over six years—throughout the publishing of five volumes of a memoir. I had a few concerns when initially approaching publishing, but they were quickly allayed by Bryan’s knowledge and experience in the industry. His assistance and guidance has made my work easier. I am clearly quite satisfied.”


—Ronan Short, Short’s Stories Volume 1-5

Short's Stories-Vol 3-Front

“I cannot overstate the importance of Bryan’s contribution to the publication of my book. He provided input on the development of the issues covered, guidance on the organization of the book, and line editing of the final manuscript. The result is a book I can take pride in. Bryan was easy to work with and provided encouragement throughout the process. His knowledge of the book industry was instrumental in my finding a publisher.”


—John Lovchik, Racism: Reality Built on a Myth, anti-racism activist and trainer with the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond


“Thank you to Bryan for all your effort and energy in creating my first book. It turned out great. It's been a pleasure to work with you.”


—Peter Shmock, two-time Olympian and All-American NCAA track and field athlete, creator of the Life Athlete brand

Peter Shmock-Life Athlete-cover-web.jpg



Set up a free half-hour phone consultation to help you decide what you need next to publish, and how I can help. 

In the form below, give me a sense of what your book is about, your goals for it, and the services you are interested in. From there, I'll plan a call that fits your schedule.

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